Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My 200th Post

Well, what do you know..this is my 200th post!
It's been about 18 months now, I think, since I started blogging.
Comes to an average about 11posts a month, 1 post every 3 days.
Not too bad, right?

I never knew that I had so many things to say.
(Although I do have quite a number of posts which are actually forwarded mails)

The past few days, my mind has been rather blank.
Last week, there were SO many things that I wanted to blog about, but then since last weekend I just seemed to be out of ideas. I haven't finished my 'vacation' stories, but then wasn't really in the mood to go through the photos, choose the ones I want to upload and resize them and upload them and write about them.

I had last weekend off actually.
I have to tell you about Sunday.

I went to Jusco.

At first I thought of watching a movie - but then there wasn't any movies worth watching.

Then, I went to Popular to get story books.
But then nothing really caught my attention (plus I had 2.5 unread books), so I didn't buy any.

Then, I went to Jusco - there was sales, thought that maybe I can get some work clothes.
The clothes that had discounts - couldn't find any that I liked.

Then saw a top (non-work). Wanted it in black.
There wasn't a single black one in my size, and so I had to buy it in pink.

Then there were jeans - looked nice.
Tried it on.
Too big.
There were no smaller size.
They had so many different designs of the jeans (same brand), but none in the size that I wanted.

I gave up.
Decided to go to the ground floor and get myself Twisties instead.
Guess what - there were no Twisties BBQ flavor.

That night, for dinner, I went to Wooley's for dinner.
Wanted to get the fried stuff (dunno the proper name for it) they have there. (Really yummy).
Shop closed.
Maybe it just wasn't my day.

Anyway...I finished reading Slumdog Millionaire yesterday.
The story is quite different from the movie - the concept the same, but the 'inti' itself is slightly different.
The book finished rather fast - I would have liked the book to be longer, with more questions (and answers), to get to know more about the life of the hero.

I am reading a different book now.
Am rather addicted to reading for now.
Maybe that's another reason I am not really in the mood to blog.
If I finish this book, then I only have 1 more unread book.
Have to make a visit to Jusco or Parade sometime soon.

Today, I learnt that the Ilizarov method can be used not only for bone transport, but also to stabilize fractures, just like an external fixator.

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