Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A weekend in Kahovs

What a weekend or holiday is like for many Kahovians.

12pm - a handful of people are awake. They surf the net, watch a movie on the laptop/computer and wish the others would wake up soon.

2pm - almost everyone (in the hostel) is awake. They wonder what to eat for lunch. Almost no one cooks lunch.

3pm - everyone is still complaining of hunger. Raid the fridge, eat leftovers. Hunger temporarily satisfied.

5pm - start thinking about what to eat for dinner.

6pm - start cooking dinner.

7pm - eat dinner

8pm - wonder what to do next

10pm - get together and play computer games/chat/drink/play poker/play mahjong/sing karaoke

2am - some go to bed

5am - almost every is in bed

Crazy!! Why not just sleep early and wake up early? Why not cook lunch? I wish I knew the answers to those questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so what do u ppl do wen free?i guess many of us(stding in russia) have been asked this question.just give them sha`s blog url...