Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Are You Willing To Sacrifice Your Leg?

Sometimes it is sad.
Sometimes it is scary.

Do you know how many patients are admitted to the ward everyday for diabetic foot ulcers (DFU)?
Do you know how many patients have had their toes or leg amputated due to gangrene secondary to diabetic foot ulcers?
Too many.

The thing is, such 'wounds' are preventable.
People should not get such bad DFUs.

Diabetes is controllable.
Yes, most older Malaysians have diabetes (in fact, I once thought that it is a sure thing that once you grow old, you WILL get diabetes and hypertension).
But why isn't their sugar level controlled?
Justify Full
First of all, people should take the initiative to get themselves checked for diabetes, since it is such a common disease in Malaysia.
Once they are diagnosed, they should control their food and also take the medications given to them and go for regular checkups - these are things people rarely do.
People think diabetes is a simple disease.
People choose not to care about the disease.

If they get a wound on their feet, they think it will get better in a few days.
When it gets worse, they decide to wait for another couple of days.
When it is very bad (foul smelling, has pus discharge) and they can't walk or the toe is gangrenous, then they decide that it is time to come to the hospital.
Why are Malaysians SO unconcerned about their health?
When will this attitude change?

All one needs to do is make sure their sugar level is controlled and take care of their wounds.
Is that so hard?
If you think taking care of a wound is too time consuming for you, imagine what life would be like if you have only one leg?

Today, I learnt that an ACL tear is more common than a PCL tear. However, since I am only halfway reading about this topic, I can't say anything more. If you are interested in this topic, please read about it online. :P

1 comment:

Superman said...

Therefore, we must all care about our health. Not to consume too much of food that causes diabetes.