Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Quiz!

Seems like many people on my Facebook list are creating quizzes about themselves.
I thought I would give it a try too.
Here are the questions I came up with.
(you can give it a try too)

1) My favorite drink is ________.
a) orange juice
b) teh O panas
c) coconut drink
d) teh O limau ais
e) vodka + 7up

2) What is my favorite movie?
a) Ayan
b) Fast and Furious
c) Star Trek
d) A Knight's Tale
e) Harry Potter

3) What would I be willing to eat for 10,000 dollars?
a) Dhal
b) Insects
c) Porridge
d) Mushroom

4) My favourite way to relax
a) A packet of Twisties and a good story book
b) Sleep
c) Watch a movie
d) Chat with friends over lunch/dinner
e) Get drunk

5) When did I stop caring about the fact that I am shorter than average?
a) In primary school
b) In secondary school
c) In university
d) Who said I stopped caring?

6) How much time do I need to get ready for work everyday?
a) 10 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) 20 minutes
d) 30 minutes
e) 45 minutes

7) I hate buying _________
a) jewellery
b) shoes
c) clothes
d) food

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