Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Would Your Choice Be?

Ever since I started O&G, one thing has been running through my mind - for Caesarean or for SVD (vaginal delivery).

No, it's not like I am planning to get pregnant anytime soon.
But then, seeing pregnant women everyday, I can't help but wonder what I would choose were I the one pregnant.

SVD is of course the better choice - it is the natural way, and it is how it is meant to be.
But then, it is also associated with a lot of pain - some say equivalent to 'shitting out a watermelon'.
Sometimes, I see ladies in so much pain, and I wonder if that is what I want.
Although, some of the staff nurses (who have given birth) said that the pain is all in the mind.

Of course, there is the choice of epidural.
Painless birth.
Labor can take the whole day long, and you won't feel a thing.

But then, if it is your first child, and you don't feel pain, you just don't know how to push and when to push.
Which is why quite a number of primigravidas (first time pregnant women) tend to go into poor progress. When a labor is in poor progress, there are 2 choices - for forceps/vacuum or to go for caesar.

Then let's talk about vacuum/forceps delivery - big episiotomy wound, possible 'marks' on the baby's face. If you fail vacuum/forceps, then you go for Caesar.

Oh, that reminds me - if you choose SVD, then you have to have an episiotomy done, especially if it is your 1st delivery. Extra pain.

Now, let's talk about Caesarean section.

You will be under spinal/general anaesthesia.
No pain during the op.
But then there will be pain after the op.

Recovery time is longer.
Possibility of operative complication - injury to bladder, ureters, colon.
Possibility of post-op complication - infection.
What if something goes wrong intra op?
There is also an increase of risk for placenta previa or placenta accreta/increta/percreta during your subsequent pregnancies.

But then, think about it - if you choose SVD, and then let's say you go into poor progress,or if there is fetal distress and eventually you have to go for C-section, then it is double the pain and suffering. Right?

My friend said that you should at least give SVD a try first.
If it really doesn't work out, then too bad.

Most of the MOs and specialist would say go for SVD.
But there are still some who say they would elect for Caesar.
You see how confusing life is?

So, which would you choose?


Ken Wooi said...

i cant answer.. coz im a male..
but both sounds painful to me.. >.<


killerhamster said...

oh man.. runs and hides~~
why can't it be a simple process like,ummm, opening a door? carrying 9 mths not enuff ke?