Friday, April 17, 2009

Interested In Sex?

(in case someone decides that my post is not suitable for the so-called-innocent mind)

One thing I've noticed for quite some time, and I can almost confirm this after yesterday's post - people are generally more interested in reading about sex and other sex-related topics (rape, molest, incest etc.) than any other topics. My proof?
1. I have posted a few articles with the word sex/rape in the title. The days I posted those were the days that I had many visitors to my blog.
2. Nuffnang most read blog - besides how to earn more money, titles that seems to always makes it to the top 10 seem to be sex-related as well.

My conclusion?
I don't really have a conclusion.
I guess people are generally just interested in coitus.

Anyway, it's my last day of tagging today.
I am SO GLAD!!
I am tired.
I have been coming home at about 12.30am for the past couple of days, and have been waking up by 6.15am.

Not only that, my dreams have been filled with fractures and more fractures.
Yesterday, I couldn't even sleep properly. I kept waking up every now and then, and the first thing that comes to mind when I wake up (while still in the half asleep state) is 'closed bimalleolar fracture with medial subluxation of the right ankle' - a diagnosis for one of the patients in the ward. ARGH!!!!

However, I am oncall on Sunday.
I am really afraid.
I don't know what to do if a patient suddenly collapses.
I hope all the patients in my ward are stable.
And I hope there are not many admissions.
Fingers crossed!!

*I suddenly remember a quote I read somewhere once - love makes the world go round, so make love everyday.
Nice one, huh!


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