Friday, January 16, 2009


Some commonly used short forms in my current department:
(try guessing what it means before reading the explaination)

- HTN – hypertension
- D (with a circle around it) – discharge
- Rpt – repeat
- TR – tricuspid regurgitation
- d/w – discussed with
- IEM – inborn error of metabolism
- TRO – to rule out
- M with a circle around it – Mother
- F with a circle around it – Father
- S with a circle around it – specialist or surfactant (depending on situation)
- s/t – spoken to
- D 4 OL – Day 4 of life
- 1/7 – 1 day
- 1/52 – 1 week
- 1/12 – 1 month
- TF – total fluid
- FTSVD – full term, spontaneous vaginal delivery
- EMLSCS – emergency lower segment c-section
- ELLSCS – elective lower segment c-section
- DM – diabetes
- TCA – to come again – the patient has to come to the clinic/hospital for follow up treatment
- G & D – growth and development
- MPC – morning paeds clinic
- BF – breast feeding
- Prem- premature
- T/O – transfer out (usually from one ward to another)
- r/v – review
- S/B – seen by (usually MO or Specialist)
- BW – birth weight
- CW – current weight
- COH – circumference of head
- DOA – date of admission
- A/S – Apgar score
- K/C/O – known case of
- DRNM – dual rhythm, no murmur (means the heart sound is normal)
- NKDA – no known drug allergy
- a/w – associated with

There are many more, but right now I just can’t seem to think about them. Try guessing what this means – rpt cm in LC (answer below..and no, there are no medical terms)

Rpt cm in LC – repeat coming morning in local clicic, which means the test is to be repeated in any nearby clinics the next day. Bet you couldn’t guess it, huh?



Anonymous said...

hi sharini,i got 2 know about ur blog thru a fren..we all are medical students who've been wondering howz the whole HO process in m'sia, n thanx 2 ur blog we've got a picture of it at do keep us updated..thanx again

Unknown said...

Thanks for this